

Hey guys, happy happy Monday…. please ask me why I’m so enthusiastic today

Well, last night, I was nominated for The Mystery Bloggers Award and I’m super excited because it’s my second award nomination this year #smiles

I would love to thank @My one penny wisdom for nominating me. Thank you so much dear, this really means a lot to me and you just made me day.

Check out her lovely, creative and inspiring blog post here and also check out the post I was nominated in ( don’t forget to like and share ).

The Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.
– Okoto Enigma ( Master Mind behind The Mystery Blogger Award)

Check out her blog posts  Here


  1. Put the award logo/ image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. Nominate other bloggers of your choice
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)

3 things about myself

  • I’m a very happy and positive individual
  • I’m scared of most animals, insects and rodents
  • I’m a huge fan of reality tv show ( crazy about them. If you are as well, leave you favourite one in the comment section)

My nominees

  1. Girl chat
  2. Beingeve
  3. Refreshingmingle
  4. Nianni
  5. Cheyi
  6. Khelesam
  7. Missbluw

Blog posts

I love all my blog post.. it’s going to be difficult to pick my favourite but I will pick based on the three categories on my blog

Questions for my nominees

  1. What’s your full name ?
  2. If you where to describe your self in on word, what will it be ?
  3. What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?
  4. What kind of secret society would you like to start?
  5. Weird question: If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?

Thank you for reading, looking forward to my nominee replies on the questions…

Cheers 壟

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