


Feminism has become baggage filled with serious negative thoughts but that’s not what it’s actually about.  Men and women are different in so many ways and generally, men are slightly stronger than women physically and that’s not an argument. In the world today according to research and statistics, women have been said to be more in population than men. During the course of time, society has been structured in a way that the physical strong person which is a man is more likely to lead than a woman but now it seems as though leadership surpasses physical strength and it encompasses creativity and intelligence and these features are now possessed by both genders. However, the world is evolving but a few ideologies still remains a solid rock. Society has taught us in so many ways that men are better than women but society neglects the fact that both genders are as important in society and both play significant roles in the establishment and structuring of society as a whole.

The question after that is, what then is feminism all about, is it the fight for equal rights, the takeover of power in society by women, the notion that states that women are better off without men, what exactly is it? feminism is not taking from men or hating men, feminism is about equity much more than it is about equality. For me, feminism is the fight for both genders and not just women. The level of impartiality in society has reached rock bottom. We can’t scream about feminism in governance and society when in our homes the level of unfairness is like that of skyscrapers.

A number of individuals live their lives in pretense just because they are afraid of being judged, the issues in society have made room for hidden personalities now all we see are fake lives here and there and all these are as a result of partiality and judgment. Superiority complex is one of the many negative perks of the world today because I am bigger than you so we are not on the same level. These are the issues feminism is all about

If your feminism is racist, partial, judgmental, etc. then it is not feminism. Feminism is not about men being weak and women being superior this is why the notion is changing and there is a wall of stigma around the word “feminism”. The view of feminism should be based on equity and should not be centered majorly on equality, the right to the notion that no one should be discriminated against, regardless of gender. The problem with gender is that it prescribes positions in society rather than purpose.

Stop spreading the wrong message about feminism, it has nothing to do with hate. feminists do not hate men and it is not about men but the fight for equity.

Should we all be feminists?

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