Hello. Hello, Hello, welcome to the blog. How you doing?
My goodness I must say everything is happening to crazy fast… I would like to urge every one to put those in Ukraine in our daily prayers. It’s not a funny experience and I cannot imagine what they are going through but we are with them spiritually, emotionally, mentally, psychologically.
Welcome to a new month. A month of celebration, we give God the glory…
Today’s post is nothing really special just a short poem I came across and Im thrilled to share it with you guys.
Poem: Happy new month poem of positivity
Make sure this knowledge is ingrained in your heart
That every day will always remain the very best of the year
No one owns the day but God so cast all your fears on him
Say no to worry and all forms of anxiety
Start what you can finish and finish what you can start
Try your best and say no to all form of mediocrity
You will have blunders and failures but that is bound to happen
Make sure you ignore them so you can move to the next
Today is all you can see but the worries of today may affect your tomorrow
Start the new month well with all the calmness and responsibility you need
Forget about the nonsense of the past month so you can fare better in this new month
The new month is dear to all of us
And it comes with hopes and expectations
Making us forget about our past worries
Allowing us to focus on new possibilities
Happy new month
Source: Deedees blog
Merci merci pour la lecture, A bientôt tout le monde