

A little chat with Miss Amakwe Christiana

Hello lovely people, how are you doing?

Welcome back, once again I have to apologize for my inconsistency. My scheduled posting time was tampered with, but I’m here now.

Did you miss me?

Soo today’s post is about chimerism

I came across this last week on a friend’s social media page and I had to ask her a few questions about it, so she elaborated on the topic.

I wouldn’t be nice if I don’t share this with you. 🙂

My Questions?

  1. What’s CHIMERISM all about
  2. How did you get to know about it?
  3. What are the symptoms of this illness
  4. Is it curable or reduced?
  5. This may sound ridiculous but is this a good or bad thing?

Miss Amakwe Christiana’s Reply

  1. CHIMERISM is a condition whereby an individual has 2 different sets of DNA in their bloodstream.

The causes of this are

  • Microchimerism: this happens when the mother absorbs the cells of her child from the womb.
  • Artificial chimerism: this happens during the transfusion of blood, but this is really rare because of the radiation treatment given during blood transfusion.
  • Twin chimerism: twin chimerism happens when twins are conceived and one of the embryos dies inside of the womb, the other living embryo may probably absorb the cells of the dead embryo.

2. I got to know about chimerism through a movie and I got motivated to read more about it

3. Symptoms are :

  • 2 different colored eyes
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • 2 or more different sets of DNA in their bloodstream
  • They can have 2 sex genitals the male and the female (intersex)

4. No I don’t think is curable but it can be managed

5. CHIMERISM is not a good thing.


I enjoyed this chat because I got to learn something new. To be honest, it’s my first time hearing of a cause/illness like this.

Getting to learn more about this was insightful and I hope you enjoyed today’s #educational post.

Feel free to contact me through the contact tab at the menu or simply tap this link — Contact me in case you have any questions concerning CHIMERISM or you can leave a message in the comment section.

Merci beaucoup tout le monde <thanks a lot everyone>

See you soon 🙂

Disclaimer: This content is based on interview and research.

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