

The Nigerian Christmas Culture

Hey guys, good morning to you. How was your night ? Hope you slept well ?

We are still on the 10 days creative count down post and it’s the 7th day. Before I start, let me appreciate everyone for their consistent reading, likes and comment God bless, honestly means a lot to me ☺️

Today I’m going to be giving you some YouTube clips of the Nigerian Christmas cultures… Go grab a snack and enjoy 

But before that, I would like to give a brief summary of The Nigerian Christmas Culture

In Nigeria, Christmas is the most celebrated holiday by Christians apart from Easter. It’s the celebration of the birth of Christ, it’s the time when families come together to have loads and loads of fun. We get to travel to the village to see grand parents, aunties, uncles, nieces and nephews. It’s most often a big feast.

Every Christmas morning, most Nigerian families have the custom of always going to church to celebrate before they head back home to celebrate even more ( isn’t that just amazing ).

Churches, stores and streets get decorated with the brightest and beautiful Christmas decorations, kids are all excited for the food, Christmas dresses , shoes and hair done.

My best part is when I see various individuals come together and gather stuffs for the orphans so they wouldn’t feel left out during Christmas. Getting to put a smile on a child’s face, with a warm embrace and a cheerful heart ( I’m getting emotional )

Basically all Christmas cultures are the same cause as Christians we are all celebrating the birth of Christ and the coming together of families and the exchange of gifts. But something will always differ, could be the way the food is prepared, decorations are places etc. In Nigeria, santa clause is called Father Christmas.

Fun Facts Africa | How We Celebrate Christmas in Africa | Focus on Nigeria
How would you Celebrate Christmas in Nigeria?

Hope you enjoyed today’s BLOGMAS post… hoping to see you on the next one


Cheers 壟

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