Tag: Stories


The house was quiet. John was in the gym downstairs and sarah had just woken up from her mid day rest. She longed for what to do roaming around the house. John was a freak for ancient African art. He had wooden sculptures as well as the famous Nok head sculptures. But he wasn’t an
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Truth II

She looked so beautiful, I could tell she had alot on her mind. I could tell from the way she flinched her eyes as she was asleep. But, deep down I knew I never deserved a pure soul as she. But what could I do, the devil had fallen I love. The wrongs I had
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John is a handsome man. The funny part about this was that he knew he was. But he never cared about it. A lot of women would die to have him, not just because he was handsome but because he was financially buoyant. John came from a very well known family. He was the only
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I love him Regardless

It was a cold night, the stars were not soo bright, the trees were dancing to the tune of the wind, dogs from the neighborhood were barking like they’ve seen a ghost, I was positive it was Tommy’s Mum. She was sneaky like a Fox, very dangerous woman, she gave me the creeps, it was
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Creativity with inspiration

It’s the manifestation of creativity all inspired and masterminded by a single individual. Check out the link in bio and experience the inspiration with creativity Expecting the unexpected while sharing your words, thoughts, and possible action with a creative mind. It’s the manifestation of Creativemay, all summed up in a single video. A summary of
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Hey guys, happy Tuesday #tuesdaythought. Well today I’m going to be sharing with you guys a cliche (kinda silly story) written by myself. Please take it easy on me with the critiques (藍). Don’t usually write stories but here we go  It’s been a while since Sai smiled. It was a really tough year
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Crazy overdue

By April ebejer Hello, hello,hello…. How you doing ? Welcome to & back It’s a lovely Tuesday morning at my current location, a cool sweet morning… ………………………………………………………………………………….. I woke up to the crazy ringtone I had thought was so funny yesterday afternoon. Turns out at 3:00 AM, it’s the most annoying ringtone in the world.
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